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#SBLSupportHub - FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

We welcome all questions, suggestions and comments. You can get in touch via the Contact page which is here 

Sally Boaden

Sally Boaden

My name is Sally Boaden, I’m a Chief Operating Officer at Raleigh Learning Trust and I’ve worked in School Business Leadership for 20 years. My passion is supporting School Business Leaders to make a difference.

I’ve also been through a difficult time in my career and because I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, I’ve created the SBL Support Hub to try and stop other people from feeling how I felt. Read more about the story of #NotBroken and the SBL Support Hub here.

I knew very quickly that this movement was bigger than one person and that it was bigger than one organisation. After asking my network for advice, I decided to appoint an Advisory Panel.

The Advisory Panel brings together people with various perspectives and expertise to advise and support me with the development and delivery of the SBL Support Hub.

The Advisory Panel are:

Photo of Me

Hannah Dowley

Photo of Me

Leyla Tovey

Yes, it absolutely is. A number of SBL advocates do have products and services that they charge for but if it’s listed on our Events Page or our Support & Resources page then it’s free.

Advocates of the profession know how awesome SBLs are but they also know how tough the job can be and they want to help. A lot of them already offer free services and support to the profession so this is another way to bring that to SBLs as well as an opportunity for them to develop other types of SBL support in direct response to need.

This movement started with a SBL survey asking SBLs to share their top 3 worries and concerns.  The feedback that I’ve received and continue to receive directly, indirectly, through the Hub and from other SBL advocates will be used to inform the conversations I have about support that is available for SBLs now and also that which could be developed in the future.

I want the SBL Support Hub to be as useful as it can be so suggestions are always welcome!

No. We are not a membership, we are not exclusive and we are not a business. The SBL Support Hub has been created free of charge to provide a directory of support for SBLs. The purpose of this is to give SBLs easy access to free tools, strategies, resources, networks, specialists and professionals. The power of the collective in action!

The SBL Support Hub is a cross-platform, multi-advocate network harnessing the power of the collective – the knowledge, wisdom and passion that exists within all areas of the SBL community.

It’s free and it’s available to all.

There are two pages that will be going live soon.

SBL Support & Resources – this is where information such as resources, helplines and downloads will live.

Events – where we will share information about upcoming free events that SBLs may find useful.

We would encourage you to check in with the website regularly as more things get added but if you subscribe to our mailing list HERE, we will send you updates via email so you don’t miss anything.

NB: Advocate is the term we use to refer to all of the amazing individuals, networks and organisations that provide support to the profession. All advocates featured on this website (organisers of events and contributors to the SBL Support Hub) have been contacted to ensure that they are happy for their information to be shared. The content remains their property and will only be linked to as long as they are happy for us to do so.

Visit the Hub Advocate Registration page which will tell you everything you need to know.

That’s great! Fill in the contact form and tell us all about it!

If someone you know is struggling and you feel that they need immediate support, then it may be that their school, union, professional association or GP would be the best port of call. If for some reason they don’t feel able to reach out to them, you can advise them to call this number – 01773 814 400 – and say #NotBroken to access the Schools Advisory Nursing Team who provide confidential and specialist professional support.