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Be An Advocate

Become An Advocate

Becoming and advocate is a three step process:

  1. We have your logo – you need to put ours on your website with a link to our website
  2. You agree to give the SBL community at least one free resource each year
  3. You will provide anything that will support the SBL community for free with information/updates/videos/webinars etc to SBL Support Hub for redistribution

Step 1. Copy and paste this code to your website
<href src="https://sblsupporthub.com/" target="_blank" title="SBL Hub Advocate"><img src="https://sblsupporthub.com/SBLSupportHubAdvocate.png" alt="SBL Support Hub Advocate Logo"></a>
Step 2. Tell us what you will provide as a free resource
Step 3. Confirm you are happy to provide the resource to SBL Support Hub to be distributed
Your Details